So fun to hear you and Jordan! Loved all your tips and I agree with Michelle that “take control of your tidy” really resonated with me. Another tip that works well in my household is “lead by example.” Instead of always harping on your spouse about how they could or should be more tidy/organized, show them with your daily habits! A good example is with decluttering my wardrobe. I try to stick to the one in, one out rule so when I buy something new for my wardrobe, I pick something that’s no longer serving me and put in our donations bin. After about 8 months of my husband watching me do this, he now does as well! And I didn’t have to convince him, he just watched me, saw the benefit and started implementing himself.

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Love this! I've found that leading by example seems to be much more effective than nagging ;)

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You guys are adorable! I'm willing to give sorcery to get my spouse up to my "clutter threshold." ;)

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Ha! Thanks for listening. I'm telling you the shed has changed everything for us ;)

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Shira Gill

I was thoroughly charmed by this conversation. Loved the tips (which are really good), but Shira, I also really appreciated your humility, candor and humor. Loved the whole thing, but I especially loved how you and Jordan ended with your shared values. You’ve got a keeper there in Mr. Gill!

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Aww, so glad to hear! Thanks for listening! x

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Shira Gill

This was so great! I really feel like the "take control of your tidy" idea resonates with me. I care so much more about our clutter/tidiness so I need to do more without resenting my husband. In a similar way, even though I do most of the cooking, I'm vegetarian so if he wants to eat meat, he has to cook it - no resentment for me, it's what he wants to do that I care to not do!

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So glad you enjoyed! You're right - the real work is to find a way to let go of resentment. I'm practicing cheerfully (?) picking up the dirty socks my kids leave on the couch while reminding myself that I will probably miss those socks one day when they've moved out. It helps! x

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