This is very useful. Thank you!!

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Glad to hear! x

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Shira Gill

Great links. Can’t wait to declutter my in box!

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Happy decluttering! It will feel SO good! x

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Oh, I might be looking at these sites this afternoon!

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Hope they're helpful! x

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Shira Gill

Thank you for doing the tough work - I can wait to uncluttered my inboxes! Now to get rid of so much junk that comes from the mailman...that might be more difficult.

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DMA Choice has been helpful for slowing the junk mail, brochures, etc. Good luck! x

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I recently used a similar service that began to scrub my data from marking firms. I was receving up to 10-12 spam calls per day! Now I only receive 1 call ever few days. My spam emails also began to drop off dramatically. It's called Incogni and is 100% worth it.

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Ooh thanks so much for sharing!! x

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Thank you for putting this together! So useful. Last summer I started unsubscribing to things slowly as they appeared in my Inbox, only keeping those newsletters and emails that I really appreciate. Last week I opened my email to an empty Inbox! It was just brief but made me smile and felt like a win!

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Such a win!! x

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Even after unsubscribing “successfully”, I still receive them. What to do now, any leads?

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I would try marking as "spam" so they will at least be filtered into your spam folder if the unsubscribe feature isn't working. Good luck!

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Thanks for this. Will try it out.

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YES to all of this! I've spent the last week or so working through the deletion of over 50,000 (yes really) unread emails. I wish I could just "delete all" but I've had to sift through as there are emails within those that I need. As I've gone through them, I've hit unsubscribe on hundreds of marketing emails - I am outraged at the sheer number of companies who I have never ordered from, and don't remember ever having engaged with before. Cannot wait to live a more minimalist email life!

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Yes, the volume can be staggering!! Good luck - hope you're in the home stretch! x

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Shira Gill

Just a warning on unroll.me->I initially loved it, but it moved items I didn't ask it to into my trash. I went months wondering where certain emails were, and it wasn't until I got rid of unroll.me that I got back the emails I hadn't unsubscribed from.

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Ooh thanks for the heads up!

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Shira Gill

There are privacy issues with the services that unroll you from emails as you need to give them access to your email and they then sell your personal information. Here's a NY Times Wirecutter article where they discuss some of the issues with the services: https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-email-unsubscribe-service/

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Thanks for sharing this - very interesting. I especially like their idea of creating an alias to sign up for accounts at online stores and for newsletters. x

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This is so helpful - I didn't even know that there were websites which assist you in doing this. Getting around 100 junk/mailing list emails a day is too much..... so I'm about embark on simplifying all. THANK YOU

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You are very welcome. Happy simplifying! x

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