As a gal over 40 who suddenly started experiencing anxiety (plus heart palpitations, sleeplessness, muscle twitches and on and on), I finally realized I was lacking some good ol’ hormones my body used to make in abundance naturally. Low-dose, bio-identical progesterone literally stopped the anxiety (and other issues) within 48 hours. It might not be the ticket for everyone, but it sure has given me my life back so I figured it’s worth mentioning for any other women in this mid-life stage who might be experiencing new anxiety. 🩷

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I'm on estrogen hrt (and progesterone) in my 50s and I completely recommend. So many weird symptoms, including anxiety, are down to perimenopause. I had to change my doctor to get prescribed, and the new one asked me why I waited so long!

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Thanks so much for your practical, accessible wisdom. I rely on a morning physical workout followed by a short meditation to start my day with a clear mind. The Calm app is helpful for getting into the zone. I try to write out four things to be grateful for each day. If I can’t escape the ricocheting banter in my head, reaching out to another person to inquire about her wellbeing provides immediate and consistent relief from the clamoring self. Namaste.

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Thanks for sharing those. My anxious thoughts are particularly troublesome at night, especially when I've woken up for some reason and can't get back to sleep. I've found that scheduling time to sort out my fears and worries helps my brain relax, so I tell myself, "I'm not going to be able to do anything about this at 3 a.m. I'll sort this out tomorrow afternoon after my meeting." It really helps.

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I try to start each day with 20 minutes of meditation. Beginning the day in this way has even helped with my getting a better nights sleep. It’s a total game changer. I highly recommend Headspace; lots of offerings; great guidance.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30

Thank you so much for the quick read and solid tips, Shira!

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Great ideas Shira. Simple and easy to to carry out. Thank you.

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Thank you for sharing. Went to check out the cookbook but of course none of them ever give an index with the recipes referenced. Let us know how you like it.

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Great suggestions and thanks for adding the disclaimer at the end!

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Love this post for many reasons . Simple and effective ideas, and also so relatable !! I can go down a rabbit hole with the best of em! Will be trying the cold water trick; haven’t done that one yet!

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