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The state of our living spaces can have a major impact on our overall well-being. As we enter Mental Health Awareness Month in May, I wanted to offer a roundup of simple, impactful practices that you can use to brighten your mood and improve your surroundings. Let’s go…

Bring the Outside In
I’ve always been a city dweller, but I’ve been buying myself flowers every week for years. You can do this without breaking the bank - I typically opt for a handful of olive branches, bay leaves, or orange blossoms, and place them in ceramic vases in the kitchen, dining room, and on my nightstand. I swear, being surrounded by greenery improves my mood by 10x.
De-Trash Your Environment
No judgment, but most people have actual garbage floating around their homes and cars, and cluttering up their daily-use bags. Do a quick sweep of your space to de-trash the places you engage with most. Goodbye to junk mail, gum wrappers, shop bags, and empty boxes. Make sure to recycle whenever possible.
Freshen Up the Air
Did you know natural light is not only a mood elevator, but it can also improve circulation, boost your immune system, and increase endorphins and serotonin? When you don’t have time to take a walk or get out in nature, make sure to open your windows and doors whenever possible to let the light in and circulate some fresh air.
Try Scent
Fun fact: Your sense of smell connects directly to the amygdala, the part of your brain that regulates emotions. Using scents in your home can help ease tension and anxiety, and brighten your mood (there’s a reason real estate brokers bake cookies, or brew hot apple cider, right before a house showing). I once tried boiling a pot of lemon, mint, and lavender, and almost burned the house down, so now I stick to my favorite scented candle.
Try something subtle and soothing - you can hang eucalyptus in your shower, bring in your favorite garden clippings or herbs, or even just run a lemon through your garbage disposal to freshen the air.
Give Your Surfaces a Refresh
Soggy, crumby surfaces make me sad, and try as I might, my family has yet to fully receive my “please wipe down surfaces after use” memo. I now keep a spray bottle of my favorite non-toxic cleaning spray on our kitchen counter and in our bathroom - a quick spritz and wipe down takes 30-seconds and makes me feel like I’m winning.
More Like This
Listen Up: I was thrilled to be interviewed for The Nature of Nurture podcast, hosted by the brilliant Dr Leslie Carr. Leslie is an expert in how trauma, stress, culture, and digital technology impact the mind. We’re digging into the psychological cost of clutter, how our environment affects our mental health, and how to use organizing as a path to emotional well being. Listen Here.
On my Nightstand: Currently reading (and loving) Slow Productivity by Cal Newport. Linked here.
Watching: My friend Tiffany Shlain just released a 10 min short film, The Teen Brain, which is based on the latest research on adolescence, and offers tools to help teens stay balanced and navigate these formative years. Watch it here.
Daily Uniform: These are the most comfortable and flattering jeans I’ve found, and they are also size inclusive. Linked here.
Just for Fun: Here’s what I packed for one week in New Mexico! ☀️
Thank you for sharing the Teen video! I loved it.
"It is a stage where you experience things like people do in the movies you watch..." So true!
I love the tip of bringing in flowers into the home. We are so lucky here in Germany to have beautiful and inexpensive flowers at the grocery store. Will have to try out that candle!